
Full Hi/Lo Light

To color or not to color becomes the question on so many people’s minds when it comes to getting an updated hairstyle or new trendy look. If you don’t want to go for a complete color change or want to opt for a lower maintenance overall style, then highlights and lowlights could be just the service you have always wanted.

Highlights can give your hair such added depth and beautiful contrast. You can add subtle streaks for a more natural blend or even thicker sections for a more noticeable change. Highlights and lowlights are extremely versatile. You choose a more delicate hue to enhance your already beautiful natural color or you can choose a dramatic contrast to give your hair a style that is sure to look trendy and bold. 


Another benefit of highlights is the excellent coverage they provide for gray hairs. As we get older and those grays start to make their appearance, highlights can be made to mask them as they begin to present themselves. Aging is a natural process of life but why look older when you can add highlights throughout and have a more youthful image. If you are ready to modernize your hairstyle, call Studio 27 today and book your appointment with one of our talented stylists.  

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